Following a fight with her husband, the young woman left in an Uber with their two-month-old son.
When she came home alone, her father panicked and looked for his son. In Saigon, security footage showed a woman calmly leaving a baby on their doorstep, which puzzled government officials at Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee.
The tiny baby was found crying in a cardboard box. One government official who found him, Le Nhu Ngoc, said, “After he was taken inside he cheered up. Everyone was amazed by his cuteness.”
Without knowing if the baby was stolen, missing, or abandoned, his rescuers posted a photo online to find his family. Parents and grandmother arrived within hours.
Police are still trying to reach the Uber driver who saw the abandonment. His father received him, but his mother remains in custody.
No mother would leave her child to “get back at” her husband. Spread this story to raise awareness of this shocking case.
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