A Hilarious School Interview

My son was too young to start public school since he had a late birthday, so we had him apply to a private school, so he wouldn’t lose a year. They did a series of admission tests and the final test was an interview with the principal. She asked him a few pretty basic questions, … Read more

I was a surrogate for my sister, but when she and her husband saw the baby, they yelled ‘This isn’t the baby we expected’

My sister Rachel battled to conceive for several years. Rachel had already lost her effervescent personality by the time they asked me to carry their baby. Looking at my boys through the kitchen window as she slipped her fingers around the glass of water, I could sense her love for them and knew she would … Read more

A husband and wife playing a game 👇🏻

Husband: Sweetheart, shall we engage in a little amusement? Wife: Absolutely! Here’s the game: if I mention a country, dart to the left wall; if it’s a bird, scamper to the right wall. Mix up the directions, and you owe me your entire month’s salary. Husband: Fair enough. And if you falter, your salary’s mine, … Read more

Husband looked at his wife and said

A husband and wife were in the bathroom getting ready for work when the husband looked at his wife and said, “I gotta have you!” He backed her up against the bathroom door, pulled down her underclothes and ravaged her. He knew he was doing great because she screamed and wiggled more than she ever … Read more