Leslie Uggams and her husband, Grahame Pratt, celebrated their 57th anniversary and the life they share as proud parents of two kids and a bunch of grandkids!

Leslie Uggams, known for her role in “Roots,” recently celebrated her 57th anniversary with her husband, Grahame Pratt.

Their enduring love story has weathered challenges, notably being one of the few high-profile interracial couples in Hollywood during a time when such unions faced legal and social barriers.

Uggams, a renowned American actress and singer, began her career at a young age, gaining recognition for her talent on television and Broadway. Despite early successes, it was her role in “Roots” that catapulted her to greater fame, earning her critical acclaim and Emmy nominations.
Her personal life, however, was not without its struggles. Uggams and Pratt faced discrimination and hate mail due to their interracial marriage, yet they remained steadfast in their commitment to each other. Despite losing a child early in their marriage, they found strength in their bond and went on to raise two children together, Danielle and Justice, who have since blessed them with grandchildren.
Their journey together has been marked by resilience and joy, with Uggams attributing the longevity of their marriage to laughter and camaraderie. Despite the challenges they’ve faced, they’ve maintained a sense of humor and fun, cherishing the moments they share together.

Reflecting on their 57 years of marriage, Uggams spoke fondly of her husband, describing him as “smart, witty, and fearless.” Their ability to find joy in each other’s company has been key to navigating life’s ups and downs, proving that love and laughter can conquer all. As Uggams succinctly puts it, “We laugh all the time — but it ain’t always roses. We have fun together.”






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